How To Build A Shed Base On Uneven Ground

When you install your storage shed, it’s important to do so on level ground. That way, your shed will be flat, secure, and safe for use.

But what if there aren’t any flat areas available on your property to place your shed? There are some safe ways to build your shed on uneven ground; here are some key tips to remember.

4 Tips for Building a Shed Base on Uneven Ground

1. Go with the best location: Just like real estate, it’s all about location, location, location for your shed. Even if there are no perfectly flat areas to build your shed on, location is still critical.

Choose the flattest, safest spot you can that also makes sense for your shed needs and use.

2. Check your leveling: One of the easiest ways to determine whether a given area is flat (or level) is to start by setting up the four corners of your potential shed area with four stakes or cement blocks.

Then, wrap a string around the four corners to represent where the shed will sit; ensure the string is taut and level. Finally, you can measure the differences in the ground’s gradient.

3. Consider the height: If you’re planning on backing your shed up against a hill and use the retaining wall approach (read more below), keep in mind that you might need a permit for walls that are taller than 3 feet high. Simply check with your local building codes to ensure you’re following them.

4. Don’t forget the foundation: No matter what way you plan to create a leveled foundation for your shed, it’s important to think about what’s underneath that.

For instance, you might want to start with a weed barrier so you don’t have weed issues creeping up and around your shed later on. From there, you might need a gravel base and concrete, depending on the solution you choose.

3 Options for Building a Shed Base on Uneven Ground

Now that you have some building best practices in mind, here are three major options for building a shed base on uneven ground:

  • Minor sloping
  • Retaining wall
  • Post/pier foundation or foundation blocks


1. Minor sloping

If the location where you want to place your shed has some minor sloping, your solution could be as simple as grading the area in question. By leveling the ground itself, you’ll be able to start from a level, safe surface.

If you need to build up slightly, then consider grading and leveling, followed by adding gravel for a sturdy foundation, then building up on a concrete slab for a perfectly flat surface.

2. Retaining wall

Another way to create a flat surface for your shed on uneven ground is to build a retaining wall. By digging into an existing hill and using a retaining wall to hold back the earth, you’ll be able to create an excellent (and level) foundation for your shed.

Again, be sure to check with local building regulations to ensure you build according to the local building codes.

3. Post/pier foundation or foundation blocks

Finally, using foundation blocks or a post/pier (or even deck) foundation method is another way to create the flat surface you’re looking for.

With the foundation blocks, you’ll actually elevate your foundation slightly off the ground to ensure a level surface to build on. This solution would be best for a slightly sloping area — not one with a large hill.

Meanwhile, the pier, post, or deck foundation solution relies on placing sturdy concrete footings in the ground, followed by strong timber posts which will support the base of your shed on a level area.

Now with some clear level building tips and three strategies for building your shed on uneven ground, you’re ready to choose the option that works best for you.

And for a high quality outdoor shed in Maine, check out our selection!

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