10 Tips and Tricks For Organizing Your Garden Shed

“I love cooking when my kitchen is a disaster,” said no one ever.

The same thing is true when it comes to gardening in an disorganized gardening shed: it’s just not the same gardening when your shed is a disaster.

But getting organized is tough…especially when it comes to outdoor tools in a small shed. If you’re scouring Pinterest for garden shed organization ideas or staring at your own shed and not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 10 tips and tricks to make your garden shed usable again.

10 Tips to Organize Your Garden Shed

1. Start off small.

Depending how much disarray your shed is in, don’t feel like you need to tackle the entire thing at once — start with just one wall or area at a time. If you try to tackle the entire shed at once, you’ll likely get overwhelmed and even give up.

2. Create piles.

Separate as you organize. Try making piles of keep, trash, relocate, and sell; or whatever categories apply to you. That way, you’ll see very clearly what will end up staying in your shed (and that you’ll need to organize later).

3. Be honest.

We’re all a little guilty of holding onto things we really don’t need. Be honest with what you truly need and don’t need: keep anything you use or need, and get rid of anything you don’t. If this is challenging for you, ask yourself when was the last time it was used. If you’ve been through all four seasons and haven’t used the item, you don’t need it!

4. Look up.

In storage sheds, there is usually ample storage overhead. As you reorganize your garden shed, you can utilize this space for things you don’t use too often or items that need more room for storage.

5. Get things off the floor.

Items left on a shed floor easily become cluttered and make it more challenging to move around in the small space. Utilize wall space by hanging racks, hooks, or shelves.

6. Use smart surfaces.

Use a foldable, wall mounted potting table. This will allow you to store away when not in use, saving valuable floor space.

7. Use smart storage.

Use rolling bins to store heavy items like potting soil, so they are easy to move around your garden shed and even into your garden.

8. Reuse organizational items.

Reuse storage items like a canvas shoe organizer to store gloves, seeds, and other smaller, often used items. This is the perfect space saver, as it can be hung on the back of a door.

9. Use even more rolling items.

Rolling bins aren’t the only rolling storage that will come in handy. A rolling potting table is also an excellent solution for extra storage, and you can also roll it out of the way when not in use.

10. Try unique storage.

Looking for the perfect place to house all your seeds for the coming season? A photo album is an easy way to store and organize hundreds of seeds. It takes up little room and you’ll even be able to organize by type of plant.

Feeling inspired to organize your garden shed? Follow these ten steps and you’ll be more organized than ever and ready for the gardening season.

Still need the perfect shed? We can help you find the right garden shed too.

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